
Mediation is a method of helping people in conflict situations to work out a solution that suits everyone and can be implemented in the long term. The prerequisite is the voluntary participation of all parties in this process.

Resolve conflicts within an organization effectively and sustainably

Wherever people work together, conflicts are bound to arise. Many can be resolved by dealing with them oneself. Others, however, are not so easy to solve, hinder efficiency and lead to institutional and structural problems. Organizational mediation is a versatile tool for resolving conflict situations amicably and on a level playing field.

Through this process, we aim to identify blockages and quickly restore the ability to work. Mediation helps better understand the dynamics, recognize and deal with conflicts, as well as, use the resulting potentials. Organizational mediation can also be combined with other consulting methods, such as team consulting, coaching, and supervision. Through the structured approach, escalated conflicts can be dealt with quickly and effectively. This way, the conditions for communication can be restored.

Your Contact

For specific inquiries about organizational mediation, please contact Sarah Pirchner. Your email to [email protected] is the first step towards resolving existing conflicts and avoiding future ones.