MagnoliaTree is a well-established coaching and consultant firm, providing various inputs to different aspects of leadership. Especially focused on ethical leadership in concern with DEI (dignity, equity, and inclusion) in transformational leadership.
So why this Academy?

The essence behind the Academy is simple, it is a place of learning and growth based on the values of Magnolia Tree. Sabine Gromer describes this purpose as support and development of ethical leadership. Wanting to include communities of young leaders and leaders within NPOs, but not able to do so on a day-to-day basis, the Academy is a way to reach out and provide these leaders with vital insight for being a better and ethical leader.
Nourish ethical leadership is important, as leaders take on immense responsibility and have a huge impact on organizational and personal health within a company. However, it also seems that there is a lack of leadership development availability at affordable pricing or even outside exclusive clubs. The lack of knowledge and know-how of ethical leadership can have a huge impact on employee work satisfaction and hence organization efficiently reaching its goals. The MagnoliaTree Academy wants to help provide insight on the subject.

Therefore, as part of our mission, we want to provide an opportunity for young leaders and leaders within NPOs to be included in the knowledge hub that we have gather throughout our work. We are establishing an Academy concerned with providing courses and workshop dedicated to this segment.

This is something we can support and strengthen.
Providing the knowledge already available to us at Magnolia Tree, but still humble to engage in with the young leadership and NPO community in the developmental phase of the Academy. We have a supply of knowledge available, but we also want to understand what the demand is.
Help us – help you – help them.

To enlighten you in the journey that lies ahead, we have summed up some of our core values, the pillars on which we will be expanding the Magnolia Tree family with an Academy.
These are both a promise but also an insight into what the Academy will encompass.

Wanting to meet and work with our partners at eye-level, seeing each other as inherently worthy of respect. By reciprocating dignity, we are creating a safe space for learning and creative solutions to develop together.

Recognizing and understanding the value of our shared and different roots of heritage. Appreciating how these differences are demonstrated through our various inputs and hence outputs.

Combining the diversity through inclusion allows us to create a more nourishing and deeper understanding of our past, the influence it has on our present and how it we can manifest it in our future.

Wanting both to have a reciprocal relationship, but also feeling humbled by the opportunity to give back to the NPO community. We strive to nurture our connectedness to these places of pivotal importance.

In doing so, we hope to help grow the momentum of both personal and hence organizational development regarding ethical leadership. Providing the knowledge, we have at hand to the organizations which have a massive outreach and impact on the world.
The Academy-Team

Sabine Gromer
Our team in constructed of course by out founder and CEO Sabine Gromer, who provides guiding and developing the bigger picture. Further funding the process.

Elke Pichler
Elke Pichler is the head of the Academy and our main project manager, developing the specific content and function of the Academy.

Holger Gromer
Holger Gromer works primarily on the conception of new programmes and manages individual projects with a great deal of attention to detail and organisational talent.

Livia Wurzer
Livia Wurzer is the Academy’s newest team member. She is mainly responsible for communication with participants in the programmes.
The other employees of MagnoliaTree are also involved in setting up and organizing the projects.
Partner | Impact Innovation

The Austrian funding agency for business-related research, development and innovation supports the Academy with a grant.
We use the German email delivery service Sendinblue to send our newsletter.